A thought provoking tale, the story begins with Ashwin (jiiva) who is a sought after photographer in the press circles. He has colleagues in the form of Renuka (karthika), an investigative journalist and Saro (piaa) the entertainment in-charge. The story takes a turn with the arrival of elections and a tough fight is on between Chief Minister Yogeswar (prakashraj) and his opponent (kota). However, there emerges a third force in the form of young Vasanth (ajmal) who believes in cleaning up the system. An explosion at a meeting kills Saro and Ashwin along with Renuka begin the investigation. What happens from there forms the rest of the story.
The director has come up with a thought provoking storyline and while the presentation was alright, the narrative was neat. The dialogues were good at places, the script was written without many flaws and the screenplay was moderate. Background score was effective and songs are good. Cinematography was appealing. Editing was decent. Costumes were natural while the art department was matching the situations and looked rich. Jiiva comes up with a convincing performance and he shoulders the film well. Karthika did her bit as required. Piaa was brief but glamorous. Prakashraj was impressive, Kota was too good, the real show stealer was Ajmal with his riveting performance. Sona was apt. The others didn't have much to offer.
Coming up with racy political thrillers is always a challenging job but then the makers have worked it well to give the impact. While the first half is on the lighter side with some comedy, romance etc, it is the second half that gets serious and thought provoking. The film scores on its pace and the technical values along with the theme which is important for the society. Overall, this is a film that will appeal to the thinking audience but not so much for the fun loving or commercial audience. At the box office, this will land in safe zone.
Sensible and thought provoking
A thought provoking tale, the story begins with Ashwin (jiiva) who is a sought after photographer in the press circles. He has colleagues in the form of Renuka (karthika), an investigative journalist and Saro (piaa) the entertainment in-charge. The story takes a turn with the arrival of elections and a tough fight is on between Chief Minister Yogeswar (prakashraj) and his opponent (kota). However, there emerges a third force in the form of young Vasanth (ajmal) who believes in cleaning up the system. An explosion at a meeting kills Saro and Ashwin along with Renuka begin the investigation. What happens from there forms the rest of the story.
The director has come up with a thought provoking storyline and while the presentation was alright, the narrative was neat. The dialogues were good at places, the script was written without many flaws and the screenplay was moderate. Background score was effective and songs are good. Cinematography was appealing. Editing was decent. Costumes were natural while the art department was matching the situations and looked rich. Jiiva comes up with a convincing performance and he shoulders the film well. Karthika did her bit as required. Piaa was brief but glamorous. Prakashraj was impressive, Kota was too good, the real show stealer was Ajmal with his riveting performance. Sona was apt. The others didn't have much to offer.
Coming up with racy political thrillers is always a challenging job but then the makers have worked it well to give the impact. While the first half is on the lighter side with some comedy, romance etc, it is the second half that gets serious and thought provoking. The film scores on its pace and the technical values along with the theme which is important for the society. Overall, this is a film that will appeal to the thinking audience but not so much for the fun loving or commercial audience. At the box office, this will land in safe zone.
Sensible and thought provoking
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